What Used Cars Not to Buy

Depending on the car company and manufacturer, cars tend to have a shelf life of more than 10 years. With a regular service maintenance program, cars can last even more than the above-stated timeline. With that in mind, buying a used car can be a potential prospect for any new car owner. It is a much cheaper option than purchasing the current car model from the dealership and can offer more or less the same service to you. Unfortunately, not all cars fit the bill to be purchased from their first owners. This may be due to one reason or another that is kept on the down-low. But that ends today. In this informative article, CarZing seeks to present the worst used options that you can purchase. 1. The Fiat 500 The Fiat 500 took the market by storm with its petite look, all-wheel drive, and a turbocharged four-cylinder engine that had owners enjoying a burst of side up the escarpments. But the same qualities that endeared it to many serves as a deterrent to new second-hand owners. The turbocharged…