Vitamins You Should Take for Healthy Glowing Skin

Vitamins are essential elements for the proper functioning of the human body. They are necessary for body development, wound healing, and boosting the immune system. Vitamins are needed in small proportions and are available in vegetables, including kales, cabbages, spinach, and fruits like mangoes, avocados, pineapples, and pawpaw. The skin forms the most significant part of the body; it covers all the body parts. Hence, the risk of exposure to destructive agents like friction and the environment is high. This requires a mechanism that allows the skin to heal for the effective functioning of the body system.

Several vitamins contribute to the flourishing of the skin. There are 13 vitamins, and they all perform different functions that keep the bodywork properly. Let’s have a look at those that can help you have healthy and glowing skin.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is naturally found in the epidermis and some in the inner layers of the skin too. It treats skin issues like dark spots, lines, acne, and hyperpigmentation. Ideally, it ensures collagen production, a protein fiber that strengthens the skin and keeps it firm. Aging and exposure to the sun reduce the protein in our bodies. It also inhibits the enzyme tyrosinase, an enzyme responsible for melanin production, thereby reducing tans.

Oral consumption enhances the efficiency of sunscreen and reduces cell damage by speeding up the healing process. It is contained in foods including citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower sprouts, papaya, and strawberries.

Vitamin A

This vitamin has antioxidant properties. It is fat-soluble and is stored in the fatty tissue or the liver. Retinoid, a form of vitamin A with anti-inflammatory properties that improve acne symptoms, is used in anti-acne topical and oral medicines. It interrupts the process of collagen damage, hence reducing the sight of signs of aging.

It is contained in green vegetables, cod liver oil, eggs, and many more.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E, an antioxidant, absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun when applied, hence prevents sun damage. Sebum, oil in the skin, releases vitamin E naturally, thus keeping the skin from irritation and making it moisturized. Vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds contain the vitamin.

Vitamin D  

Vitamin D is another key vitamin that is produced when sun rays penetrate through the skin. Sun exposure early in the morning is enough to get the daily dose of this vitamin. It can be supplemented by eggs, dairy products, cereals, and fatty fish.

Vitamin B

There are several variants of vitamin B that you need.

Vitamin B3, or niacin, is consumed through the diet or applied topically. It is not naturally stored in the body. It helps the skin restore moisture content, improve texture and smoothness. Its topical form repels the appearance of signs of aging and reduces non-inflammatory acne symptoms.

Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, contained in whole grains, avocado, and chicken, has moisture-retaining capacities, prevents moisture loss, improves skin barrier, keeps the skin hydrated, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Vitamin B7, biotin, is a coenzyme that creates fatty acids that replace dead cells quickly in the epidermal cell stratum, making it operational and functional in the protection.

In conclusion

Vitamins are critical elements to the flourishing of the skin; the glow is associated with coming together of the different types of vitamins that perform various operations and make it worthwhile.