Creating a logo for your business: mistakes to avoid

Every businessman and marketer understands that developing a successful business depends on the ability to show their strengths compared to their competitors. They explain to their clients why they prefer their product over their competitors’. That’s why it is crucial for any entrepreneur to introduce themselves as a reliable and professional business company. By promoting this image, you create a brand that becomes recognizable on the market.

Creating a logo is very important for a business promotion since you create an image that makes people recognize your brand. The logo of your company is the first thing that people notice when they get acquainted with your product. Every time your clients see it, they associate it with the quality of your products and your care of customers. In this article, we will share with you some useful tips that will help you to avoid mistakes while designing your logo.

How to design a great logo?

* Work with professionals. Some people believe that developing a logo is not so hard. They do not reach out to professional design agencies thinking it’s a waste of money. Instead, they decide to do it themselves or ask their “creative” friends or colleagues to do this job. Some try to make it through online logo generators.

As a result, they get a poorly designed logo, proving the proverb that “only good clothes open all doors.” Customers, who notice poor-quality logo design, pay less attention to your brand and product than it could be expected. Others may think that you have the same unprofessional approach in producing your goods. So, it is highly recommended to work with professional and experienced designers if you don’t want to lose your potential customers.

* Make it simple. You may think that the more complex your logo the better it looks. Some people believe that more sophisticated logotype design draws more attention. But in fact, it’s the opposite. A lot of successful companies have their logos as simple as possible. Think about Apple, McDonald’s, Mastercard, Chanel, Google etc. Each of these logotypes is plain. Why? Because it’s easier to remember them. People recognize them at a glance.

* Be original. By creating a logo you want to make your company noticeable and recognizable to your target audience. But some companies create their logos out of components of famous brands’ logos. Wishing to save money, some of them use free online logo generators that create business emblems from patterns. Nevertheless, by copying others’ trademarks you lose a chance to become original. And it was the initial idea of its development. Moreover, by using the components from other companies’ logos you may cause legal pleading against you.

* Show your beliefs. A great thing is to incorporate ideas and beliefs of your venture into your logotype. The main function of your company’s sign is to show the “soul” of your business. That’s why creating a logo for a fashion clothes company is not the same as making it for a big bank. In the first case, you want to emphasize the creativity. While the logo for a bank must say that it is a safe and reliable institution.

* Apply vector images. Your logotype shouldn’t turn into raster. That means it shouldn’t blur after zooming. Such programs as Corel Draw and Abode Illustrator apply vector images instead of pixels, so your trademark will not become less appealing after zooming.

* Use colors properly. It is advisable to start the logo design in black and white adding colors in the end. But apply them thoughtfully. Using colors to separate certain elements can become a bad idea. Eventually, the company may decide to change their colors and as a result, separate elements can merge together. A good idea is to propose different variants of colors for a company’s logo design to choose from.

* Get only 1 or 2 fonts. Adding too many fonts may be confusing. Apply only one or two fonts. Users are able to perceive only one or two fonts at the same time. Using too many of them would cause confusion since an individual won’t be able to decide where to fix their attention to. Imagine you enter a new apartment. There are so many new things that first you can’t focus on a certain one. You start noticing details only after getting settled a bit.

To sum up

Creating a logo is very important for your business. It will help you to become recognizable and it may show the values of your company. But there is a number of mistakes that can be made. Working with professional designers that have knowledge and experience of creating logos may help you to avoid most of them. With the help of our tips, you can check by yourself whether designers come up with an original and simple logotype that presents your business and whether the colors and images are used properly.